Still, all this made sense in the context of Brand’s character. Judd Apatow Screens ‘Express’ Talks New Projects. Universal Gets Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Inglorious Bastards’ Jack White And Alicia Keys Team Up For ‘Quantum Solace’ Bond Theme. There were still plenty of moments of insanity, including one scene featuring Diddy getting hit by a car, smoking a “Jeffrey”, furry walls, and a well timed Pulp Fiction reference that beat much of The Hangover for “funniest comedy sequence set in Las Vegas”. Aldous Snow Almost Famous Get Him To The Greek. Amazingly, this film never seemed to require much suspension of belief.
Most “road-trip” comedies feature the protagonists facing a series of random, somewhat unbelievable obstacles in the pursuit of their goal. A record company intern is hired to accompany out-of-control British rock star Aldous Snow to a concert at LAs Greek Theater. Aaron Green (Hill), a music industry intern, is tasked by his boss Sergio (Diddy – yes, that Diddy) to retrieve washed up rock-star Aldous Snow (Brand) from England and to get him to an anniversary concert at Los Angeles’ Greek Theater. Get Him to the Greek R Get Him to the Greek reunites Jonah Hill and Russell Brand with Forgetting Sarah Marshall director Nicholas Stoller in the story of a record company intern with two days to drag an uncooperative rock legend to Hollywood for a comeback concert. That being said, I found it to be one of the more though provoking “road-trip” comedies I’ve seen. A record company intern is hired to accompany out-of-control British rock star Aldous Snow to a concert at LAs Greek Theater. ANGLE ON HIS PRETTY, ARTSY GIRLFRIEND, DAPHNE BINKS (early 20s), also in a cap and gown, and her parents, MR. He throws kisses towards someone in particular.

He gets his diploma, hugs the president of the university hard, and waves to the crowd who cheer him on. While you may have heard how great Get Him to the Greek is, and that its co-stars, Jonah Hill and Russell Brand, enjoy “Would You Rather” more than they perhaps should, I wanted to offer my more in-depth take on the film.Īs Jonah Hill said in the post-movie Q&A session Monday night, the film is made for “people our age” (20-somethings), and it definitely doesn’t pull any punches. naivety, you would get this young gentleman.